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Full transcript available below:

Hello, everyone, and welcome to today's webinar hosted by me, Joe Boyhan, of MCO and third-party risk expert and president of ONTALA Linda Tuck Chapman. Today's webinar is titled "Four Principles of a Strong Third-Party Management Program." Linda is an experienced consultant and former chief procurement officer at three major banks. Linda brings hands-on experience designing and executing effective third-party risk management programs. She's also a popular speaker, educator and author. Please note that the slides from today and a video recording of the sessions will be made available on our website. You will receive an email from us in the coming days with a link to download these resources. Also, if you have any questions, please feel free to send them through on the chat box. I'm now going to pass you off to Linda who's going to start the day's webinar.

Thank you very much, Joe. Well, thank you very much for joining today. We have a really great audience of people from different industries and lots of different roles with, obviously, a heavy predominance to operational risk, compliance, legal, and third-party risk. I just want to talk to you a little bit about my relationship with MCO. I'm a big fan of MCO, which is how we ended up doing some webinars together and in conversation with them we talked about a publication in our main journal, "Risk Management Association Journal," which was entitled "It's Time to Right Size Your Third-Party Risk Management Program," in their March 2017 edition. Also, they're my publisher for a book that's coming out in this fall, which will be entitled "Third-Party Life Cycle and Risk Management: What You Should Know." With that, this is a huge topic.

We're going to touch on a lot of the basics, but sometimes having frameworks like "Four Principles" are a good way for you to put a lens on your program and decide really where you want to take it next because this is an evolving practice. It's by no means mature; however, if there is anybody on the phone who has a totally mature program, we'd love to hear from you.


Download our whitepaper "Framework for a Third Party Risk Management Program".


This webinar was co-hosted with Linda Tuck Chapman of Ontala Performance Solutions.

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