As all compliance programs continuously evolve, how do you measure your success or plan for the next step in the development of your program? This video introduces a practical approach to assessing the current maturity of your program and processes using a compliance program maturity model. This model is designed to help you track and communicate your current state as well as pinpoint the places where your program can level up including governance, risk, process, culture, and design.
(sample program content) Culture and leadership, a CEO messaging around the program that promote an ethical conduct. We want to see that as a pillar of good design. If we don't see that, then that pillar can be real weakness for your firm, but at the exact same time, policies and procedures might be outstanding. Written procedures that accurately reflect key leader requirements, accurately reflect actual practices designed to mitigate, identify conflicts of interest, and they're modified over time to reflect change. You could be a 10 out of 10 on that and have some culture and leadership weakness. The good news about that is you can identify and correct the weakness. Part of what these pillar are doing is helping you identify and measure, if I were to say on a scale of 1 to 5, "Where am I?" on each one of these, "How do I evaluate each of these 10 pillars?" It should then tell you, "I have some work to do", or "I have real strength here."
Our presenter, Ann Oglanian, has more than 25 years’ experience in the investment management industry and is sought after for her practical guidance on strategic business planning, organizational and operational matters, and compliance program development and assessment. Prior to founding ReGroup in 2002, Ann served as managing director, general counsel, and chief compliance officer of Montgomery Asset Management and partner in the investment management practice of Vedder Price.