Recent Posts by Keith Pyke

With clients in over 100 countries and employees around the world, we are committed to delivering affordable, easy-to-use, compliance technology, which we create and deliver with a passion for excellence. Keith Pyke.

Insider List and Information Management under MAR

The European Market Abuse Regulations (MAR) have been in effect since July of 2016. Regulatory priorities in the UK and across Europe demonstrate that MAR is hardly old news, remaining a consistent focus since its inception. And regulatory enforcement shows that even eight plus years in, firms are still struggling to stay compliant with MAR regulations and the flow of insider information across their organizations.

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Start to Prepare for the Senior Executive Accountability Regime (SEAR)

The Central Bank of Ireland and other international regulators such as the FCA in the UK and MAS in Singapore have prioritised 'individual accountability for several years. The proposals and now the draft legislation to introduce the Senior Executive Accountability Regime (SEAR) in Ireland are significant steps in that development.

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