Challenges of Compliance Monitoring for Smaller Firms

Staying on top of the latest regulatory developments in the financial services industry to maintain compliance and stay ahead of potential risk poses significant challenges for firms of all sizes. However, it can be particularly complex for smaller firms, where factors like limited resources and reliance on manual processes can make an already complicated endeavor even more difficult to manage.

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How Technology Enables Best Practices in Policy & Procedure Management

If you work in the financial services industry, you know how important it is to have clear, consistent, and compliant policies and procedures. Policies and procedures enable firms to align operations with strategic objectives, meet regulatory requirements, and foster a culture of accountability and transparency.

But managing policies and procedures is often easier said than done. It can be a complex and challenging endeavor to create, update, communicate, and enforce policies and procedures across the firm—and to ensure policy stays up to date in times of flux and uncertainty.

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The Intersection of Culture and Compliance

Employees at all levels of the organization make decisions that impact compliance every single day. To ensure that those decisions are wise ones, employees need to understand where they fit into the organization. If there's not a shared understanding of roles and responsibilities supported by controls and accountability there's a risk of chaotic compliance—and a chaotic culture across the firm.

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Take a Forward-Looking View to Manage Conflicts of Interest

The days when firms could write off regulatory fines as the cost of doing business are long over. Both the financial penalties and the reputational damage are too costly in the current regulatory environment.

According to the 2023 Starling Compendium, firms must have processes in place to prevent misconduct from happening in the first place.

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