Compliance Checklist for Registered Investment Advisers

First and foremost, Registered Investment Advisers (RIAs) are held to a standard of fiduciary duty by the SEC. As defined by the SEC, RIAs must act in the best interests of their clients, should not engage in activities that are in conflict with the interest of the client, and must provide a full disclosure of all material facts to clients and prospective clients.

To prove that they are able to meet these standards, RIA firms must have solid compliance programs in place.

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Compliance Pitfalls for Newly Registered Investment Advisers

The United States Securities and Exchange Commission's Division of Examinations  Risk Alert: Observations from Examinations of Newly-Registered Advisers covers the regulator’s typical focus areas and common observations. The Alert warns newly-registered advisers to pay close attention to the firm’s compliance policies and procedures, disclosures and marketing practices – advice that well-established firms should be heeding as well.

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