Advance your Anti Bribery and Corruption (ABC) Program

Effective ABC compliance is like having an insurance policy – when bribery or corruption occurs, an organization can prove to the enforcers that they did everything in their power to prevent it from happening. Do you have the right policy for your business?

Contact us to discover how MCO can play a significant role in ISO 37001 certification and the successful creation of your organization's anti-bribery management system.



Have questions? Speak to our experts Learn More About MCO Solutions

MCO's Anti-Bribery and Corruption solution comprehensively addresses the challenges of ABC through our “Know Your Employee” and “Know Your Third Party” compliance suites; part of the MyComplianceOffice platform. Both suites access a central database providing organizations with a compliance “system of record” and allow for easy recordkeeping and reporting.

Third Party Manager

Management of third parties and their inherent risk has become an increasingly important and complex activity. Learn how 

MCO’s SaaS solution, Third Party Manager, can help to mitigate risk across your business while reducing the complexity associated with managing third party relationships and contracts.

Third Party Manager

Gifts, Entertainment and Hospitality

A strong Gifts, Entertainment and Hospitality program is essential to mitigating anti-bribery and corruption risk. With GEH from MCO, employees can give and receive gifts and hospitalities while staying in compliance with policy and local laws and jurisdications. GEH makes it easy for employees to preclear and disclose gifts without engaging in conduct risk. 

Gifts, Entertainment & Hospitality

Outside Business Activities

Firms can automate the capture and management of the outside business activities of employees, improving the monitoring of potential conflicts of Interest.

Outside Business Activities 

Have questions? Speak to our experts gifts-iconExplore Gifts & Hospitality