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Full video transcript available below:


Welcome and thank you for joining today's webinar hosted by me, Joe Boyhan of MyComplianceOffice, and Gregory Brandman and Simon Collins of Eversheds Sutherland. Gergory is a partner with Eversheds Sutherland and has previous experience working with FCA. Simon is a Managing Director of Compliance at Evershed Sutherland. Together our presenters have worked with a variety of UK and overseas banks, built societies and insurance companies, implementing this regime.

Please note that the slides from today and the recording of the session will be made available on our website. You will also receive an email from us in the coming days with a link to download these resources, and we are also releasing a white paper on this subject shortly.

I'm now passing you on to Greg. He's going to start today's webinar.

Thank you, Joe, and welcome everyone. The purpose of this webinar is to give you a high level overview of the regime as it currently applies to banks and certain insurance entities for which the regime came into a force in March last year. In anticipation of what, of the consultation paper that we're expecting to land during the course of this summer, proposing how this regime, this new regime, will be rolled out across the rest of the financial services industry that's not currently covered by it during the course of 2018.

The way we'll breakdown the ground that Simon and I will cover, I'll give you some background to the new regime, what it is and what's changed, an overview of the old rules and the new ones if I can put it that way. Then Simon, who has some quite recent and extremely granular experience of helping banks, in particular, implement this regime over the last couple of years. We'll talk you through some of the challenges around implementation and some of the other areas of interest, which we think it might be helpful for you to understand. Then we'll aim to pull it all together at the end in terms of practical issues that you can expect to face in the context of your own implementation programs, and a word or two about enforcement risk and next steps. Next slide, please.


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This webinar was co-hosted with Eversheds-Sutherland

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