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Welcome and thank you for joining today's webinar, hosted by me, Bethany Sirven of MyComplianceOffice and Robin Singh. Today's webinar will cover reasons why anticorruption programs fail, practical ways to strengthen an anticorruption practice that needs to be incorporated, advise on how to improve your existing program, and we'll end with a live Q&A section to answer your questions.

Now, allow me to introduce my co-host today, Robin Singh. He is a certified compliance professional and a fraud examiner. We're very excited to have him on his work in the big five accounting firms. He carries strong experience in compliance and ethics, fraud investigations, developing antifraud frameworks, and setting up ethics and compliance program across Asia and the Middle East. Currently works for the government of Abu Dhabi where he manages the compliance and fraud control department. I'll now pass it on to you, Robin, to start today's webinar.

Sure. Thanks a lot, Bethany, for the introduction. Good morning, good afternoon, and good evening, depending on the times on you're joining us from. Just a housekeeping item before we move in and that is we will be having some polling questions as we go through the presentation, so I request everybody to participate with their best choice answers.

Moving onto corruption. Corruption is everybody's headache. Not only the compliance officer but also the person who has been offering the bribe to the person who has been receiving the bribes. Today's white-collar criminals have gone very smart with time, as well as with growing regulations. They're always trying to find innovative ways in which they can land a bribe in a form that could look legitimate. They tend to look at loopholes in the system, rules, regulation, and disguise these payments, illegitimate payments that is, in a legitimate form. As a compliance officer, we need to ensure that our framework is free from these loopholes or pitfalls as we would later call them. We can do the right thing by making sure that the other people who are affected by this program do the right thing too.

As far as the agenda for the day goes, we would be speaking about basically corruption on what it is, the recent [resent 00:02:34] trends that are there, and then what are the laws surrounding the corruption, a little bit about the anticorruption and bribery framework, and finally, we would come down to the pitfalls which is the key for today's presentation.

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