Blackout Periods and Insider Trading Risk for Listed Companies

Insider trading cases have seen a variety of sentences over the years. However, some jurisdictions have recently increased their focus on these cases, seeing more convictions and higher sentences. Blackout periods are a critical component of any public company’s trading policy to minimise the risk of insider trading occurring.

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Data Mapping Effectively Deconstructs Compliance Obligations

Regulations, frameworks, policies and controls define the day-to-day of the Chief Compliance Officer (CCO) and their teams. It’s fair to say that it is an important yet often troublesome undertaking to make sense of what can often be described as monitoring spaghetti. At the same time, the teams also need to ensure they are keeping senior execs and the Front Office engaged and compliant.

So how can the CCO set regulatory priorities, identify policy and procedure gaps and understand compliance obligations?

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The Top 5 Compliance Executives’ Priorities in 2023 (APAC Edition)

At a recent compliance round-table event in Hong Kong, compliance experts, executives, and chief compliance officers shared their firms’ challenges in keeping pace with regulatory change within the financial sector. They also discussed the increasing demands placed upon compliance teams, emerging opportunities, and the role of technology in more effectively managing regulatory risk and upholding compliance obligations.

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Regulatory Compliance Rising Rapidly in Malaysia (Latest Guidance)

The 1MDB scandal saw Malaysia’s former Prime Minister jailed for 12 years with a fine of 210m Malaysian Ringgit (USD $46.8m) - and the end of the 61-year political dominance of the country’s Barisan Nasional coalition political party.

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Your SEC Examination Priorities Guide + the APAC Impact in 2023

For every registered firm with the SEC, it’s not a matter of if you’ll be examined but when. COVID-19 drove a necessity for the SEC to adapt its examination processes from traditionally in-person activities to remote. As a result, companies operating in the Asia-Pacific (APAC) region must now be ready and able to support the SEC in its procedures.

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