FAR Sighted: The Changes for Australian Financial Firms

The Royal Commission into Misconduct in the Banking, Superannuation, and Financial Services Industry (also known as the Banking Royal Commission or the Hayne Royal Commission) made several recommendations in its final report on Australia’s financial industry.

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SEC Examination Priorities and the APAC Impact in 2023 - Webinar

Each year, the SEC sets out a number of key priorities for their regulated entities.

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Mid-Year Regulatory Review – What’s the Latest from the SEC and FINRA?

As we enter the third quarter of 2022 it's clear that both the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) are continuing to demonstrate a steady pace of enforcement.

And there’s no indication that this steady pace will be slowing down. In fact, in recent remarks, SEC Director of the Division of Enforcement Gurbir S. Grewal noted that he’s “been asking staff to look for ways in which to push the pace of investigations since day one.”

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Better Risk and Compliance Through Holistic Oversight

In order to be effective advisors, Chief Compliance Officers must have a clear and holistic view of their organization’s risk profile. A clear and holistic view of risk helps compliance set regulatory priorities, identify gaps in policies and procedures and streamline operations. 

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Look Back to Move Forward: Practical Guidance for Compliance in 2021

Taking a look back can help you move forward. Now’s the time to take a step back and consider how new or elevated risks during the year have been addressed, how controls have been established, and how compliance initiatives undertaken at year-end can set the stage for a stronger compliance program in 2021.

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