Global Expansion is Challenging Compliance

“We can’t change human nature, or the pressures of business and the economic/political backdrop, but we can change how we deal with compliance” states Crispin Rapinet,  partner at Hogan Lovells, in the 2020 report providing an overview of the challenges for multinationals on all aspects of anti-bribery & corruption.

The report highlights how multinationals in Europe, the U.S., and Asia are dealing with the pressure of global growth while balancing  ABC's concerns when investing in Africa, Asia and Latin America.

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How Artificial Intelligence Can Assist Compliance

Artificial Intelligence has been around for 70 years now, but in the past 10 years, it has become more and more feasible. Scientists, academics and business owners are very optimistic about the future of AI and how it could change the way we live. We have been seen these changes and technological advances every day around us and in many industries.

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5 Steps to Avoid Employee Misconduct

Employee conduct is a priority in many industries, especially in regulated businesses. Making sure you know what conduct risks are is key to running an effective compliance programme. We have listed 5 steps that you must consider in order to enhance the compliance of your business and avoid misconduct.

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10 Reasons Compliance Programs are Failing

Attorney Andrew Hayward and award-winning writer Tony Osborn have authored a new book, “The Business Guide to Effective Compliance and Ethics: Why Compliance isn't Working - and How to Fix it.” In the book, the pair make note of increasing regulation and enforcement actions; growing ethical demands from business stakeholders as well as the public; and more stringent compliance policies and procedures within organizations.  

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Global Compliance Requires Worldwide Approach

Compliance is expensive. But non-compliance can cost you even more. Businesses paid nearly $26 billion in compliance-related fines globally in 2017, aside from the severe reputational damages that accompanied those monetary losses. That’s according to a recent article in Forbes by Julie Myers Woods, CEO of Guidepost Solutions.

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