FAR Sighted: The Changes for Australian Financial Firms

The Royal Commission into Misconduct in the Banking, Superannuation, and Financial Services Industry (also known as the Banking Royal Commission or the Hayne Royal Commission) made several recommendations in its final report on Australia’s financial industry.

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Look Back to Move Forward: Practical Guidance for Compliance in 2021

Taking a look back can help you move forward. Now’s the time to take a step back and consider how new or elevated risks during the year have been addressed, how controls have been established, and how compliance initiatives undertaken at year-end can set the stage for a stronger compliance program in 2021.

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A Compliance Officer's Crystal Ball: Compliance Predictions for 2021

As a compliance officer, regulatory counsel, risk manager or auditor, what keeps you up at night? Where do you need to focus your time and energy to close out the year strong and position yourself for success in 2021?

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Pay-to-Play Compliance: The 2020 Election and Beyond

The 2020 U.S. Presidential election saw unprecedented levels of political donations on both sides of the aisle. And recent comments from Gary Gensler indicate that the disclosure of corporate political contributions and donations will continue to remain a priority for the SEC.

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Building a Case for Process Improvement & Compliance Technology Change

Software works best when the right processes are in place. Changing to a new technology platform can seem dauntingbut it doesn’t have to be. Knowing what to expect during a software transition helps to ensure a successful implementation.  

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