5 Ways to Improve Hedge Fund Compliance



Hedge funds and compliance managers who wish to lead the pack in 2017 simply must utilize 100% electronic data capture. This ensures fast and effective processing of pre and post-trade clearance. Here we give you 5 reasons why 100% data capture is a necessity for your Hedge Fund's compliance department.

1) Get rid of all paper. MyComplianceOffice can automate 100% of personal trade management. For hedge funds, this means your compliance department won't ever need to receive paper broker statements again.

2) Increase your productivity. Personal trade management from pre-trade clearance to post-trade when manual is necessary but unnecessarily time consuming. Hedge Fund Compliance Officers that automate can trust the system to oversee formerly manual tasks, bringing an overall increase in work completed.

3) Decrease labor costs. When Hedge Fund Compliance Officers are using a streamlined personal trading management system, configured specifically for hedge fund compliance, the quality of work improves, which results in a more effecient compliance department and a reduction in labor costs.

4) Improve compliance task completion rates by employees. Intuitive and easy-to-use interfaces make it easy for hedge fund employees to interact with compliance and complete their employee responsibilities.

5) Be prepared for the regulators. The SEC has made never-before-examined-firms a priority again in 2017. As a compliance manager at a hedge fund, your job is to be prepared for the SEC. Automation of your records of personal trading and other compliance reports through MyComplianceOffice is key to a successful interaction with examiners.


"Technology is the hallmark of all successful hedge fund operations, from trading to compliance program management" . Read more about how MCO can improve your Hedge Funds Compliance Department.