Recent Posts by MCO Marketing

Meet a Member of the Team - Jasmine Northrop

We are an international team with offices in 3 different continents and employees from more than 20 different countries. In this blog series, we are pleased to show you the backstage of our operations, bringing you closer to our team members.

This week we interviewed a member of the Customer Success Team. Our Customer Team builds the bridge between our products and our customers. MCO have a customer-centric approach, and our team is always trying to find solutions for any concern our users bring forward.

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Avoiding Software Purchase Remorse

When a company makes the decision to implement compliance software, the steps they take at the very beginning of the process are likely to determine whether they end up with the right technology. Procurement’s strategic sourcing process provides an effective methodology for identifying, comparing, and selecting a vendor, but it cannot be effective without a solid foundation of objectively set specifications and requirements. Without the right process and inputs, regret is just around the corner.

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Regulatory Focus on Conduct and Culture

The global workforce has been under pressure since March, when the lockdown started in most countries. Since then, the stress and financial pressure caused by COVID-19 and the uncertainty to industries, organizations and employees has increased. Governments and regulators are under pressure to deliver normality while reducing the economic and market impact of the crisis.

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RegTech trends and insights to watch with Brian Fahey, MCO

The Irish Tech News published a chat with Brian Fahey, MCO CEO, featuring the recent RegTech Insight Awards victory, and the challenges of the industry.

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Compliance Officers New Responsibilities

After European countries such as Spain, Italy, Frace, and Ireland start to reopen considering government's plan to normality, specialists predict that dedicated Covid-19 compliance officers could become ordinary. Organizations will need more compliance professionals to deal with social distancing and other COVID-related protocols. When re-opening, companies must have these rules and protocols as a top of mind in the office and when dealing with the public.

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