RegTech Insight Interviews Brian Fahey, MCO CEO

MCO is one of the leading providers of regulatory and risk technology for financial services. We proudly received the RegTech Insight Award 2020 in the category “Best Vendor Solution for Managing Conduct Risk”. In an interview to the RegTech Insight team, our CEO, Brian Fahey tells the company history, how the solution has evolved and in which ways MCO helps its customers globally. 

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The Future of Compliance

PWC predicts that more than 30% of today’s human workforce will be replaced by artificial intelligence (AI) and/or robotics by the year 2030. This kind of development will change the way we work, and we have been aware of this for a period of time now. Jobs requiring social, emotional, and literary abilities are at the lowest risk of displacement. However, jobs that require manual labour or repetitive tasks that can be automated will see a higher impact in the coming years.

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Women’s journey to the compliance world

It’s International Women’s Day this March 8th and the theme for this year's celebrations is #ChooseToChallenge with the idea that we can all choose to challenge and call out gender bias and inequality. Similarly to last year #EachforEqual call out for women to collectively help on the fight for women's rights, challenge stereotypes and celebrate women’s achievements. 

Thinking about the challenges that female professionals face in our industry we decided to touch point on a subject that was the focus of a study in the US and Europe, focusing on women's achievements and their potential for progression in compliance.

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How Artificial Intelligence Can Assist Compliance

Artificial Intelligence has been around for 70 years now, but in the past 10 years, it has become more and more feasible. Scientists, academics and business owners are very optimistic about the future of AI and how it could change the way we live. We have been seen these changes and technological advances every day around us and in many industries.

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5 Steps to Avoid Employee Misconduct

Employee conduct is a priority in many industries, especially in regulated businesses. Making sure you know what conduct risks are is key to running an effective compliance programme. We have listed 5 steps that you must consider in order to enhance the compliance of your business and avoid misconduct.

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